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By Shenia Roberts
Journal Staff Writer
Investigations continue into the emergency landing of a small charter plane between Andros and New
Providence that resulted in the death of two people during rescue efforts. Initial reports indicated that
the crash was a result of engine failure however, there are several reports indicating that there might
have been other factors. The five-seater plane was headed from New Providence to San Andros Airport,
usually a ten to fifteen minute ride but encountered bad weather which obstructed the pilots ability to
see the runway and land.
Consequently some reports indicated that the pilot had issues landing due to this lack of visibility and
radioed The Department Of Civil Aviation In North Andros to have them turn on the lights. However it is
unsure whether this request was granted and as a result they were unable to land due to poor visibility.
Takeio Pickstock one of the five passengers on board the aircraft gave the Bahama Journal a detailed
account of the incident and the events as they occurred.
Pickstock, a young businessman and entrepreneur says he headed to the capital earlier that day to do
business and was simply catching a charter home as he usually does. He explained how they were faced
with terrifying weather conditions after a few minutes in the air and said, “I knew something was wrong
when I heard a dip in the engine, like the engine was losing power.” He explained that prior to the
engine issues the pilot had radioed relevant authorities to let them know he was unable to see the San
Andros runway and to request they turn on the lights and was awaiting this to aid his landing. Although
they weren’t able to confirm if they were eventually turned on the pilot was still unable to land after
quite some time circling and had to head back to the capital.
He said that is was at this time the pilot calmly briefed all passengers that they were experiencing issues
with their left engine and instructed them put on their life vests as he would try to get them as close as
possible to Nassau. Pickstock further explained that at this point the pilot made the tough decision to
ditch the plane and get all five passengers in the water to be rescued. He praises the pilot’s decision
saying “he is a good pilot, only an experienced pilot would have that exposure to say, this is what I’m
facing and this is what I have to do.”
Additionally, during this time Pickstock said the pilot was also in communication with another aircraft
that followed them, Makers Air Shipping Company based in Florida. The pilot of that plane also had
difficulties landing at San Andros airport and was able to notify authorities of the crash location and the
amount of survivors right away. According to Pickstock this aircraft was the first to fly over them after
they exited the plane. “He made a few circles to give them a chance to turn it (the lights) on but after so
much time he had to make a decision” he said, when asked if they ever received any assistance from the
He also said that he was the first one to exit and the pilot was the last, stating that after exiting the
aircraft all passengers were alive and waiting on rescue efforts. When asked about rescue efforts
Pickstock says he’s not sure exactly how long they were waiting but he is certain it was well over an
hour. It was during this wait time that the first passenger lost their life due to complications as they
were all floating together with life jackets to remain safe.

After being rescued Pickstock said the other passenger experienced complications and succumbed too.
Pickstock said he feels the situation was an eye opener for him and he is grateful for a second chance as
“nothing is promised”. He offered his sincere condolences to the families of those who lost their lives
expressing that “We (Androsians) are all family.”
When asked what message he’d like to share to the public he stated “wherever you are and whatever
you may be doing, stop where you are and pray.” He says this experience felt as though “I was in the
belly of the beast but God pulled me out.”

Written by Jones Bahamas

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