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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

Policeman Charged For Burglary, Beating Girlfriend

26 May 2014

A police constable arrested early last week for allegedly beating his girlfriend to a pulp was on Friday arraigned in a Magistrates Court. Police Constable 3218 Cedric Rolle who was stationed in Abaco at the time of the incident appeared before Magistrate Andrew Forbes in Court #8 on one count each of burglary and causing […]

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Illegal Immigrants Arrested

26 May 2014

Authorities intercepted 53 illegal immigrants in The Bahamas on Friday. The U.S. Coast Guard along with officers from Harbour Patrol spotted a 44 foot vessel just off the Great Isaac Bank with 52 Haitians and one Jamaican on board. Two Bahamian males, are believed to have captained the vessel, were also taken into custody. The […]

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Gov’t Knew Of Phone Tapping Says US Judge

26 May 2014

Despite claims from both the current and former administrations of having no knowledge that the United States through its National Security Agency has been recording all cell phone calls made to, from and within The Bahamas, a US judge insists that the programme could not have happened without Bahamian intelligence. Andrew Napolitano, a former New […]

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Two Injured In Separate Shootings

26 May 2014

Two men are recovering from gunshot injuries after being wounded in two separate incidents Saturday morning, according to police. The first incident occurred shortly after 1:00a.m., Saturday at a sports bar in Montell Heights. Police said a man was shot after several armed men entered the establishment and shot the man in the foot before […]

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Three Hurt In GB Hit And Run

26 May 2014

Police are still trying to locate the driver of the vehicle that struck three men as they walked along a Grand Bahama street early Saturday morning, police have said. According to police reports, a group of four men between ages 18 to 19 years, were walking east along East Sunrise Highway in the area of […]

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PLP Defends Jobs’ Record–Chairman says PLP never promised 10,000 jobs

26 May 2014

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts yesterday defended the government’s performance on job creation and maintained that the PLP never promised to create 10,000 jobs within its first year in office. Mr. Roberts, who appeared as a guest on Jones and Company Sunday, said that such a promise never came from the party but […]

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Bahamas Asks US To Explain Cell Phone Tapping

21 May 2014

The Bahamian government has demanded a full explanation from the United States amid allegations that the US has been secretly monitoring and recording the cellular phone calls of people in The Bahamas, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said yesterday. In what has quickly become a public embarrassment for the government, an online report released Monday, […]

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Labour Minister Invites MOW Employees To Provide List of Concerns

21 May 2014

Labour Minster Shane Gibson said he requested those angry Ministry of Works employees who held a rowdy protest outside Cabinet Tuesday morning to deliver a list of the issues they are encountering to him in a bid to quickly resolve the matter. “I’m not sure what the details are because we have met with the […]

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Labour Minister Unaware of Pending Industrial Agreements

21 May 2014

President of Trade Union Congress (TUC) Obie Ferguson recently announced that 10 industrial agreements were outstanding for various unions; however, Minister of Labour Shane Gibson said yesterday that he is only aware of two outstanding industrial agreements. “Which 10,” he asked. “We have two sets of industrial agreements, all of the industrial agreements that we […]

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MOW Workers Storm Bay Street

21 May 2014

Hundreds of Ministry of Works employees, armed with signs and passionate pleas for better working conditions and increased salaries, stormed Rawson Square to protest what they feel is unfair treatment on the job. A number of Cabinet ministers were bombarded on their way into their weekly meeting as the rowdy crowd of workers from the […]

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