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The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position the shipyard to feature the largest floating dock ship repair facility in the Western Hemisphere by 2026, significantly boosting the island's economy.


The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position […]

Mario Bannister


Police Prosecutors charged Mario Bannister, former ManagingDirector of Clifton Heritage National Park this week for acting as an accessory to themurder of 36-year-old Phillip Adderley, by providing a vehicle to the accusedkillers.Twenty-eight year old Christian Napier and 26-year-old Donte Riley werecharged with killing Adderley whose body was found on August 15th, 2024,stabbed to death in […]

Culmer Blasts Davis Over WSC Mismanagement

12 March 2018

Free National Movement Chairman Carl Culmer has taken Progressive Liberal Party leader Phillip “ Brave” Davis to task over his alleged nepotism and special favours for PLP supporters during his tenure as Minister of Works. In a statement released on Sunday Mr. Culmer lambasted Mr. Davis for gross mismanagement and using the WSC as his […]

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Roberts Chides Gov’t Over Bridge

12 March 2018

Former Progressive Liberal Party Chairman and Minister of Works Bradley Roberts has questioned the government’s proposed solution to the problems with Eleuthera’s “Glass Window Bridge”.   In a statement Mr. Roberts said the $40 million tagline to fully repair the impassable bridge is not cost effective. “I understand that they have some ferry services. Obviously, […]

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Cooper Accused Of Conflict Of Interest Over WSC Vendor

12 March 2018

The opposition leader not the only one implicated in the Water and Sewerage Corporation’s scathing forensic audit, there are also accusations that Progressive Liberal Party’s Deputy, I. Chester Cooper might be involved in a conflict of interest. Auditors discovered that two members of the executive committee – senior and seasoned engineers – had business relationships […]

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Remains Of Missing Tourist Found In Eleuthera

12 March 2018

Family members of 19-year-old Johnathan Brussow have confirmed that the remains discovered by a fisherman in Eleuthera are that of the missing tourist. According to Police reports, shortly after 11am on Friday, a local fisherman while in the area of the ‘Sand pit’, near the coastline behind Daddy Joe’s Restaurant, discovered partial human remains, including […]

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PLP Calls WSC Audit “Half Baked”

12 March 2018

The Progressive Liberal Party has branded the forensic audit at the Water and Sewerage Corporation by accounting firm Ernst and Young as “half baked”.   In a statement from the party, the PLP stated that the report is replete with errors, misstatements and has violated the very basic tenets of natural justice, often repeating salacious, […]

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Farrington Road Being Reconstructed

12 March 2018

The Ministry of Public Works and Baha Mix are working diligently to reconstruct Farrington Road.   The road project, which begins at the six-legged round-about and ends at Boyd Road, started on March 5th.   Director of Public Works, Melanie Roach, said the project would take about 10 week days before completion.   She explained […]

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DPM Turnquest

Blacklisting Jitters- – -DPM Surpised By EU Move

12 March 2018

The government is disappointed to have learned that the European Union (EU) Code of Conduct Group (COCG) will be making a recommendation to the Council of the European Union this week to include The Bahamas on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. It is understood that a high level delegation from the […]

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Can we emulate attributes of successful people?

09 March 2018

The Clifton Review   The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and […]

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The Importance of Great Leadership

07 March 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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His Quintessential Success Factor

05 March 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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