Journal Staff Writer
Police officers have for years been providing outside services to businesses
through private security work but some critics question if these contracted jobs can
present a conflict of interest.
Press secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Keishla Adderley told reporters
that the Police Staff Association ensures that wires are not crossed when officers
acquire jobs outside of the Police Force.
“Well, the policy has been for the Police Staff Association to have oversight of
private security contracts, primarily when it comes to any police officer and that is
the stance the government fully expects to continue”, she said.
Adderley added, “the mechanism and oversights are in place to ensure that all
concerns linked to these private jobs are dealt with above board.”
Ms. Adderley said that the government wants to continue honoring the policy of
the Police Staff Association as they have oversight of officers when they venture
out to other sources of income.