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More Police Promotions Revealed

Police officials recently revealed the names and new positions of seven more officers who have now joined the top ranks of that organisation, rounding out the 600 officers promoted through the ranks in the latest exercise.

Last week the names and positions of 593 officers who advanced throughout the ranks of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) were revealed and on Sunday seven senior officers’ promotions to even higher ranks were made public.

Promoted from assistant commissioner of police to senior assistant commissioner of police were Anthony Ferguson, Emerick Seymour, Leon Bethel and Stephen Seymour.

Also promoted were police superintendents Melvin Lundy, Carolyn Bowe and Stephen Dean who will take on new roles as assistant commissioners of police.
The Journal obtained a copy of the 19-page document which specifies that the promotions were approved by the Police Service Commission for promotions with effect from October 1, 2014.

According to the documents, 211 senior police officers were elevated, 382 junior officers moved up a rank and nine of those promotions were retroactive to March this year.

Twelve officers were promoted from superintendent to chief superintendent, among them are Central Detective Unit (CDU) Head Paul Rolle, Head of The Firearms and Tracing Unit Ken Strachan, police officers Clayton Fernander and Ashton Greenslade and the only female in this crew, Officer-In-Charge of the Eleuthera Division Ismella Davis.

Other officers promoted from assistant superintendent to superintendent include CDU officer BK Bonimy Jr. and Head of the Traffic Division Craig Stubbs as well as Basil Collie of the Financial Intelligence Unit, Hilda Gaitor who is attached to the police control room, Prince Charlton of the Bimini Division, Craig Gaitor and Loretta Mackey who is attached to the Grand Bahama and Northern Bahamas Eastern Division.

Twenty three officers were promoted from assistant superintendent to acting superintendent, 41 were bumped up from inspector to assistant superintendent including Chrislyn Skippings who is also attached to CDU.

For the rank sergeant to inspector, 34 officers were promoted, while 49 were promoted from sergeant to acting inspector.

One officer, Ednol Cunningham was promoted from chief inspector to assistant superintendent.

As for the junior promotions 163 were elevated from corporal to sergeant.

Two hundred and nineteen officers were promoted from constable to corporal.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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