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The Late Obie Wilchcombe

By Shenia Roberts
Journal Staff Writer
During Wednesday’s sitting of the House Of Assembly (HOA) members of the government and
opposition paid tribute to former Member Of Parliament for West Grand Bahama And Bimini
the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe who died at the age of 65. It was in observance of the first
anniversary of his death.
Wilchcombe a sitting MP and Minister when he passed, began his professional career as a
broadcaster. One of his most famous stories resulted in his incarceration for three days after he
refused to name his source. He began a career in politics, when he was appointed as a Senator in
1994 and went on to win his first seat in the 2002 General Election. He secured this seat until
2017 and was later re-elected in 2021.

In remembrance of his life, legacy and passing a few members of the House paid tribute in their
contributions. Speaking on behalf of the government was Member of Parliament for Seabreeze
Leslia Miller- Brice who described the late minister as a leader and mentor for many.
She explained that he had a unique ability to communicate with people and hear their concerns,
highlighting his unwavering dedication to his constituents and Bahamians at large. Miller-Brice
concluded her remarks saying, “his contributions to our society were very profound, impacting
various sectors and leaving a legacy that will endure.”
Also paying homage to Wilchcombe was Official Opposition Party Leader, Michael Pintard
who shared fond memories of his former colleague and friend. He praised Wilchcombe for
always being easily accessible to those who needed him and bragged on his ability to always
keep the peace.
Additionally, Pintard highlighted the comraderie between his constituency and Wilchcombe’s
former constituency, highlighting that they would often cross paths at church and other
community events. He went on to say that he believed no matter what Wilchcombe considered
him his personal MP as he grew up in the area and has family that still resides there.

“There was a kind of civility in him” he explained further emphasizing that although he has
transitioned Wilchcombe’s peaceful demeanour and his presence will be missed in the HOA’s
weekly meetings.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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