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The  Free National Movement in a  release yesterday said that the Member of Parliament for Englerston Glenys Hanna Martin “ should  grow up.” 

“The PLP’s tried and true, go-to-tactic when all else fails is to resort to name calling and misdirection.  Their tactics are as old and tired as their leadership and ideas.  So sadly, it comes as no surprise to any Bahamian to hear Mrs. Hanna-Martin’s latest inane rantings and personal attacks toward Prime Minister, Dr. Hubert Minnis. 

The FNM said, “left with no accomplishments to speak of, she joins her cohorts in the woeful PLP leadership in talking down any and all progress being made throughout the country and the start firing off nonsensical attacks that are below the office they hold.”

Mrs. Hanna-Martin dubbed the nation’s leader a “dummy”  Friday last, firing back at Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for his recent reference to her as “plenty talk and no action” at a recent town hall meeting. 

 The former transport Minister claimed Dr. Minnis had secured his position as “lousiest Prime Minister of in Bahamian history” notwithstanding his short tenure of prime minister.

 “I read a newspaper article where Prime Minister Minnis attacked me at recent mini-rally,”  she said, referring to news reports that detailed Prime Minister Minnis’ speech at a party-branded town hall meeting at Edmund Moxey Park on Thursday.

At the event Dr. Minnis berated Mrs. Hanna-Martin for using her position in the House of Assembly “to row morning, noon and night and not making much sense.”

The FNM statement  said, “the aggressive work of the Minnis Administration over the last two years alone couldn’t contrast more with the woeful PLP’s disastrous record of incompetence, negligence, and corruption when they held power.  Since taking office in 2017, the FNM government have been working to turn the economy around and while much work remains. All reports show that they are getting results.

“The Minnis Administration has worked to improve infrastructure, secure deals that will provide long-term economic growth and sustained employment, has made education a priority and is improving standards of living by upgrading landfills, and demanding government be more transparent and accountable.

“The response from the woeful PLP leadership? Since when it comes to policy, nothing but a boatload of empty rhetoric focused on attacks and sustained effort to talk down the progress being made.  Judging by their actions and antics, you would think the PLP is rooting for the country to fail, and sadly that includes MP Glenys Hanna-Martin who stands in lock steps with the old and tired Brave Davis, his favourite henchman Fred Mitchell and their loquacious protégé Chester Cooper.

“Try as they might to erase history, the memory of the Bahamian people are not so easily wiped clean. They remember the rampant corruption that was a hallmark of the previous PLP administration and look at the continued actions to people like  Glenys Hanna-Martin and administration and look at the continued actions of people like Glenys Hann-Martin and her cohorts to fight any and all efforts of transparency and accountability for what it is – an effort to avoid answering for their own malfeasance.  The fact that MP Hanna-Martin refuses to address her scandal-scarred record – and that of the rest of the woeful PLP – only serves to shine a light on the need for her to publicly come clean.  She can personally attack Dr. Minnis all she wants, as she has been doing, but that doesn’t change the fact that the people want an explanation from her for the Post Office Bank scandal, The Post Office building repair scandal, Road Traffic driver’s license scandal, and the taxi plate scandal.

“All are waiting for MP Hanna-Martin and the rest of the woeful PLP to understand that the Minnis-Administration is serving the people and acting on their behalf.  And Bahamians were crystal clear two years ago they wanted change and they wanted a government that was transparent and accountable to the people they serve.  The FNM Government is delivering on those cries from the people and the PLP’s continuing effort to turn a deaf ear to them, speaks volumes,” said the FNM statement.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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