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Fitzgerald: Gaming Bill Will Not Cause PLP To Lose Election

The passing of the Gaming Bill in The House of Assembly was a move that some said would cause the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to lose the next general elections, however Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald said that this will not happen.

While contributing to the final day of debate on the Gaming Bill in the House of Assembly, on Monday, Mr. Fitzgerald responded to his colleague Fort Charlotte MP Dr. Andre Rollins who foretold that the legalisation of the gaming industry would cause the government to receive the boot from voters.

Mr. Fitzgerald said he believes Dr. Rollins may have been predicting that his own political career is in jeopardy.

“The research does not support anything that shows that this Gaming bill or regularising or legalising gaming will have any negative impact on the body politics, in fact the research shows form what I have seen is that there is an overwhelming number of people who support legalising, regulating and taxing this industry, so politically I do not see a knock off,” he said.

The Gaming Bill was passed in the House of Assembly on Monday.

There were 25 government members who voted Yes to the bill while the seven opposition members present, all voted against its passage.

Five members were absent during the vote.

The bill now moves on to upper house for debate.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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