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Fear Grips Kemp Road–Teen Becomes 11th Murder Victim

Just days before his 16th birthday, Ricardo Leonard Fawkes of Marathon Estates became this year’s 11th murder victim early Wednesday morning, the second shooting in just less than 10 hours in New Providence.

According to reports, police were called to the scene at Williams Lane off Kemp Road sometime around 4:00 a.m. where they found a male lying dead in the street with gunshot wounds.

Commissioner of Police (COP) Ellison Greenslade said his officers are contented with investigations thus far.

“We are satisfied based upon the signature at that crime scene that unfortunately the deceased was not on his own property. There were other things that we took note of to suggest that had we not intervened when we did the complexion of what occurred this morning would have been quite different,” he said.

“You could easily have had innocent people, and several as victims.”

The Bahama Journal took to the Kemp Road area as this murder came as the third in that area in just two weeks to see how residents were managing.

What was found was that some residents and business owners are on edge to say the least.

“I was getting ready to come down in here [breakfast shop], I come down normally after 3:00 a.m. but I didn’t come down anymore after that [the gunshots],” said a business owner on Williams Lane.

“A lot of young guys are just killing out each other, I remember one time ago you used to fist it out and make up but they know nothing about fist fighting now.”

She told the Journal that there was a time one could sit out on their porch but that is a time of the past.

She said you have to stay inside now as bullets have no name.

“I have to thank God because it’s only me and my son there and the guns, and say Lord this is wood and wherever the guns fly let it fly by us,” said another female resident.

“But there’s nothing you could do. It’s all about the respect and the gang thing.”

She was referring to the previous murder that took place just days ago.

However others who – though seriously concerned – said there is very little that can be done.

“The things what we used to enjoy in Kemp Road when I was growing up you’ll never see it again,” said David Clarke.

“Cars driving up and down you don’t know what might just happen because the fellas’ don’t think. When I think about what I know about Kemp Road and Kemp Road today it brings tears to my eyes.”

Mr. Clarke, who is almost 89-years-old, says he sits almost every day at the Kemp Road Service Station and at this point all he can talk but the reality is, who is going to listen?




Written by Jones Bahamas

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