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A Small Justice

“…Praise God; justice has been served…” There it goes: With these poignant words strewn among very many others quite like this heart-cry a grieving Bahamian grand-mother and obviously a praying woman [Veronica Bastian] thanked God when she heard that Donovan Gardiner who had killed her grandson [Desmond Key] would spend the next decade behind bars. […]

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Up and Doing for Ourselves

Within a matter of days, we shall celebrate this Nation’s Independence. As usual, this year’s events will be marked by a plethora of prayers and an untold number of speeches and sermons focused on the claim that while we have come a long way, we also have a long way to go. Tragically, Independence Day […]

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Smoke and Mirrors

With apology to no-one, we yearn to live in a society where victimization is not tolerated. We also long to live in a society where all Bahamians and all others who either reside or who are visiting are treated with respect and with the dignity that should come precisely because this is how human beings […]

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Without Further Delay

As some had expected, the new Christie led team is today facing no end of challenges as it searches to fulfill its One Hundred Day challenge. This new administration should have by now completed filling all the posts that were left vacated in the immediate aftermath of their coming to power. In that blazingly clear […]

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A Brand New Approach Needed

Hundreds of people accused of committing some of the most heinous crimes against their fellow-Bahamians are somewhere ‘out-there’ on bail. They are waiting – we presume – for the word that their matter has found itself on the agenda of someone’s desk and has been labeled ‘For Action’. Evidently, some of these matters may never […]

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Incarceration as Last Resort

Today we find our good selves in absolute agreement with National Security Minister, the Hon. Bernard J. Nottage. This time around, we agree with him wholeheartedly when he insists that incarceration should be a last resort for certain kinds of law-breakers, especially those who are described as ‘petty’ criminals. Were this all to the matter […]

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Action Needed in Dread Times

If Dr. Bernard J. Nottage and his colleagues in the new Christie level administration want to succeed in the days, weeks, months and years ahead, they should be minded to remember that they must break with business as usual. Instead of calling for yet-again-another Town Meeting, Dr. Nottage might really wish to make it his […]

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Lamenting the Status Quo

We lament the fact that our country has become that kind of place where an angry parent can remonstrate with her one child and say to his face that she will keep his insurance up to date so that – on his demise – she would have money sufficient to the challenge of burying his […]

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Fighting the Good Fight

We today counsel and caution any and all Bahamians – inclusive of National Security Minister, the Hon. Bernard J. Nottage – who would seek to describe the fight against crime as if there is some kind of war going on. Such is demonstrably not the case. If the situation ever did so arise, there are […]

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Debating the Real Issues

When Ministers speak there is every reason – under the law and Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to presume that they are also for the Cabinet and the prime minister of this great little nation. We presume that when Minister of Labour and Immigration speaks that he does so not only in his […]

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