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Social Assistance Claims ‘Erroneous’


Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Frankie Campbell yesterday labeled comments making rounds on social media surrounding the government’s intention to cut assistance for Bahamians receiving social assistance for 10 years or more, as “erroneous and absolute misinformation, intended only to create mischief”. 

In a statement issued yesterday, he said, “The misinformation that has gone viral is definitely not consistent with the pronouncements made by me as minister of social services and urban development in the House of Assembly during the 2019 budget debate.”

Minister Campbell added that the record would show announced increases in funds allocated for social assistance, including uniform and food assistance during his contribution to the 2019 budget debate. 

Budgeting for increases in social assistance, he said, is not something one would do when considering cutting that assistance to persons. 

He added that officials at the ministry have had discussions on how best to empower persons receiving social assistance to a greater degree of independence, so that those persons can eventually take themselves off social assistance. 

This, he said, is in line with the government’s ongoing efforts to create greater job and entrepreneurial opportunities for all Bahamians to the point where those who may be receiving social assistance, will no longer need it. 

Further discussions, he said, have centered on identifying Bahamians, including those receiving social assistance, at the point where their skills can be improved through the educational opportunities offered by the government at the University of The Bahamas, the Bahamas Technical And Vocational Institute (BTVI) and the National Training Agency (NTA), or any other technical assistance that will result in their becoming more marketable and sufficiently employable to the point where social assistance is no longer necessary.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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