The Cabinet has approved $3 million for the Ministry of Public Works to secure vehicles, $1.6 million was allotted in the current budget and another $1.4 million has been budgeted in the 2019/2020 fiscal plan, another fleet is expected in July.
The Government is looking to do away with the practice of Public Works Staffers actually hiking rides, in some cases to get their jobs done ; for instance, inspections, as Minister of Works Desmond Bannister put it, not only does this endanger the staff and the public, but causes many challenges.
To rectify this, the keys to a fleet of SUV’s trucks and electric cars were presented during a ceremony on Friday, May 3rd, 2019.
Minister Bannister said, “historically the fleet of the Ministry of Public Works has been inadequate, to say the least for the transportation and delivery of requisite services that we provide, and for many years, you as a staff have sought to make due with vehicles that are aged, continue to see break-down or often times are barely functional.
Wear and tear has taken its toil on the current fleet. Many of the cars are inoperable, many of the cars are in poor working condition, despite constant repairs and servicing and that has resulted in exorbitant cost to the government. In fact, when I was appointed Minister, every single department I visited without exeption, complained to me about their vehicular woes, and the inadequacies of their fleet.
“And so you will see some vehicles to today, you will continue to see vehicles over the next few weeks that we need. The ability to provide timely interaction to the general public and stakeholders and to provide good services is of utmost importance. The Ministry’s Technical Teams are expected to carry out and provide assessments, facilitate the design of structures, planning, provide estimates, scopes of works, constructions, maintenance, and renovations of all government buildings, roads, ports, harbours, bridges, even the cemeteries and other government owned assets and infrastructure, as well as key functions relating to the Buildings Control Division.
“We are truly the Ministry of Everything and to do this efficiently, there is a need to ensure adequacy of our fleet of vehicles. Ministry of Public Works has carefully selected vehicles contingent on tasks and by virtue of needs analysis, conducting of work required on a daily basis. When all of the vehicles arrive, every section of this Ministry and every island will receive vehicles. I am particularly excited that a number of these vehicles are electric vehicles. We will continue to expand the fleet of electric vehicles, and will also have charging stations at the Ministry to make our contribution to protecting our beautiful Bahamian environment. And those vehicles are virtually silent,” said the Minister.
“Mr. Bannister added that the addition of these vehicles will enhance employee morale at the Ministry of Public Works.”
The keys to the vehicles were presented to the employees who will drive them to carry out their duties.