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A major Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference is scheduled for Grand Bahama next month.

Making the announcement,  Minister of State for Grand Bahama Senator Kwasi  Thompson  noted that this will establish Grand Bahama as “this region’s Silicon Valley”.

He said, “upon taking office last year, the government dedicated itself to making The Bahamas a premier place to do business. We believe that Grand Bahama is uniquely suited to become an internationally recognized technology and innovation hub.

“That is a theme, a message that we want everyone from the little child in Grand Bahama to the senior citizen in Grand Bahama to continue to press forward the message,” he said.

Back in November last year, Grand Bahama’s Office of the Prime Minister along with partners hosted a technology summit which Mr. Thompson said was instrumental in beginning strategic planning for building a technology sector in The Bahamas.

He said, “the government has since begun implementing recommendations of the steering committee to make this technology hub a reality.”

“One such recommendation, which we are now implementing, is the hosting of a major international conference which will bring hundreds of tech companies to Grand Bahama,” he added.

The committee also recommends that the conference take the form if a “venture conference” which will connect seed stage and early stage companies to venture investors.

Mr. Thompson also noted that the conference was designed to attract everyone from investors to service providers across the globe that are interested in making investments starting or developing companies, and building business relationships with blockchain technology.

The Minister said, “further, the BBCC will provide The Bahamas, particularly Grand Bahama, with the opportunity to present itself to the world as a jurisdiction that has an established framework, financial, and immigration policies that are favorable for technology and fintech companies that want to incorporate and be domiciled here in The Bahamas.

“Basically, this is our coming out party for blockchain technology and for fintech technology,” he said.

The conference kicks off on June 20th-22ndat the Grand Lucayan Resort in Freeport, Grand Bahama.


Written by Jones Bahamas

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