Archive | August, 2013

Nottage Renews Commitment For Marco’s Law

Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage said he remains committed to ensuring that legislation is brought to the House of Assembly before the end of the year that seeks to protect children from sexual predators. While in Opposition, Dr. Nottage said such legislation will be called Marco’s Law. His comments came following the death […]

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Murder 67 Recorded

Police are still searching for the person/people responsible for a shooting incident that has left a man dead and several vehicles damaged. The incident reportedly occurred around 1:30 a.m. Sunday in Yellow Elder Gardens. Preliminary reports indicate that the deceased was through Lightbourne Avenue off Seymour Street, when he was shot multiple times by the […]

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ICS Could Lose Gov’t Contract

In three months the company contracted to provide ankle bracelets for the government could lose its $2.7 million a year contract, as government official have expressed their displeasure with the service provided over the past three years. National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage said when that contract comes to an end in November the government […]

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kohfe Goodman

Goodman Guilty Prosecution Seeking Death Penalty

Kofhe Goodman has been found guilty of the murder of 11-year-old Marco Archer and the prosecution is seeking the death penalty. On Friday, jurors returned a unanimous guilty verdict just before 7:30 p.m. But their verdict was not as shocking as Goodman’s actions following their decision. Members of the public, reporters and Archer’s family members […]

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Nottage Upset Over CCTV

National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage said he is upset at how the CCTV programme has been operating so far and noted that less than half of the cameras that should be up and running nationwide are in operation. He said so far major issues have arisen with this programme, most significantly with the quality […]

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Bahamas Faith Ministries this past Emancipation Weekend hosted another BFM Commonwealth Day distributing over 2000 school Bags for Children and hundreds of bags of Groceries. As thousands of people still stagger under the affect of the Global Economic Crisis and its impact on economies around the world, with many losing their jobs, houses, security and […]

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Lyford Cay Partnered With Education

All Bahamas Merit Scholar Named Shannon Butler, 19th Recipient

Shannon Butler is both Queen’s College and Alpha Phi Alpha’s 2013 valedictorian. He achieved the best overall performance in last year’s BGCSE examinations in grade 11 with nine A’s and one B. He has a 3.95 grade point average (GPA), is a peer tutor, a member of Junior Achievement (JA) and a volunteer at the […]

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Unexpected Adjournment In Goodman’s Murder Trial

An unexpected adjournment in the Kofhe Goodman murder trial yesterday delayed the verdict which may now come once the judge wraps up his summation today. Following the lunch break yesterday, Justice Bernard Turner informed everyone in the courtroom that the matter was adjourned until this morning. He did not give a reason for the adjournment. […]

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Trade Dispute Filed Against Gov’t Law Enforcement Agencies Unite

Nearly 7,000 officers from various law enforcement agencies could take action if the government fails to respond to their demands. At a press conference yesterday, representatives from the police and defence forces, immigration, prison and customs officers, as well as maritime professionals joined forces to ask the government to put their medical insurance and pension […]

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PSA Chairman Defends Leaked Report

By Kyle Walkine The Police Staff Association (PSA) Chairman yesterday defended a leaked report which showed that PSA funds had been abused for years. According to Inspector Dwight Smith, the report was only for discussion. In the report, there is evidence of misuse of association funds under successive administrations. The leaked document showed that ham […]

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