Archive | April, 2013


Serious Crimes Down

All major crimes in the country are down by 13 per cent, according to Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade. Mr. Greenslade, who held a press conference with the media yesterday, said everything with the exceptions of attempted rape, armed robbery, attempted robbery and shop breaking has all seen a decline in the first quarter of […]

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Labour Ministry Neglected To Monitor Companies

Labour Minister Shane Gibson has admitted that his ministry failed to properly monitor companies hiring foreign workers to ensure that they were training Bahamian understudies to assume those positions. But, he said that is about to end. For years Bahamians have complained that hotels and offshore banks structured their job advertisements in such a way […]

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FNM Chairman Criticises Gov’t For COB Hikes

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Darron Cash is raking the government over the coals for the College of The Bahamas’ decision to increase and introduce new student fees come the fall semester. “The PLP Government’s decision to force the Council of The College of The Bahamas to raise tuition and fees is a cruel, short-sighted […]

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Come Clean on NIB

That matter concerning who did what, who decided who should get what and that matter which concerns money in the care of the National Insurance Board is one that should be decided now. The Hon. Shane Gibson is himself clear enough in his mind as to what should be done. Like us he seems to […]

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COBUS Ready for Protest

College of The Bahamas Union of Students (COBUS) President Ernesto Williams said the organisation is awaiting the go-ahead from the student population at the College of The Bahamas (COB) to put a demonstration in motion to protest proposed school fee hikes. Mr. Williams said even though he is personally affected by the restructured school fees, […]

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Second Police Shooting Suspect Caught

Twenty-one-year-old Excel Josey – the second man police were looking for in connection with the shooting of a senior police officer, was taken into custody Friday night. Police arrested Josey around 7:15 p.m. on Collins Avenue. Police already had a 23-year-old suspect in custody in connection with the attempted murder of Superintendent Clayton Fernander. On […]

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Murdered Man Was A Fugitive

Police on Friday said the man who was gunned down outside a Bartlett Street home around 1:30 Thursday afternoon was wanted by police in Miami and here in New Providence. He has been identified as 38-year-old Randolph Almanto Coakley of Pinewood Gardens. During a press conference on Saturday, Central Detective Unit (CDU) Head, Superintendent Paul […]

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Minnis Hits Out At Commissioner

The Free National Movement (FNM) is calling on the commissioner of police to obtain search warrants to close down all illegal gambling and lottery operations in The Bahamas. FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis made the call during a news conference at the FNM headquarters. “We urge a forthright and immediate curse of action by the […]

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Homicide 28 Recorded

Police have a 52-year-old man of West End Avenue in custody in connection with the country’s most recent homicide. The incident reportedly occurred around 3:00 a.m. Saturday. Reports indicate that two men were on West End Avenue when they got into an altercation, which resulted in the victim being stabbed to the chest. The victim […]

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This Dread Cycle

Something wonderful is now taking place in today’s Bahamas. That something-wonderful-thing has to do with how it now arises that there are so very many Bahamians [especially women] who are braving the elements, brooking no tear and saying that they are sick and tired of the abuse being meted out to some of their children […]

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