Co-chairs of the Urban Renewal Commission, Dr. Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt and Algernon Allen introduced this year’s Urban Renewal Week which will commence on November 1st through the 8th.
At the press release yesterday morning, Dr. Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt addressed exactly what she feels is the cause for the rapidly increasing problem of crime in our nation.
‘’There is a major disconnect, there is a major disconnect. When i say that, a major disconnect from my generation to this generation. Where have we gone wrong? We must ask ourselves. Our foundation was laid, us, I’m talking about my generation, with a spiritual foundation. That’s the kind of foundation that was laid for us. Unfortunately, today, many homes do not go to church. There is no ‘God’. Children don’t attend church, parents don’t attend church. You cannot make it without God! ‘’ said Mother Pratt.
Mother Pratt said in order to go forward as a country we need to go back to the times where we as a people kept God first and instilled godly principles into our children and practiced them throughout our households.
Mother Pratt also added that because the urban renewal is aware of the problem, they have come up with the urban renewal as a solution and with thus, the urban renewal seeks to cater to the spiritual and physical development of people serving the ‘total man’.
Both co-chairs and permanent secretary Diana Lightbourne announced that the urban renewal week is to market and promote the urban renewal and to give it special attention and to let the public know that the urban renewal is alive and well. They also noted that it is to celebrate those people that have made the urban renewal a success.
With numerous events and activities taking place on each day, co-chair Algernon Allen ensures the public that this week’s events will reach all members of the communities.
“It is a week-long celebration; we will officially begin on Saturday the 1st of November at 10 a.m. at the Urban Renewal Center Speech Competition and the awards ceremony at the Evangelistic Temple at Collins Avenue. On Sunday the 2nd the urban renewal staff will worship at Prayer and Praise Assembly on Coconut Grove during the 11am divine worship service’’ said Mr. Allen.
Other events of the urban renewal week include a t-shirt day on Monday, a community walk-about on Thursday, an island tour and luncheon for senior citizens on Friday and many others that are open to the public. The urban renewal week will climax on Saturday where there will be a fun and food day held at Arawak Cay with members of the urban renewal band.
Mr. Allen said that we must celebrate the urban renewal because it is good for the Bahamas as it brings together thousands of Bahamians, all working toward a noble and worthy cause; a common goal – a better Bahamas.