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Rollins: Fitzgerald Sold His Soul To The Devil



The war of words between Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins and Education Minster Jerome Fitzgerald has taken another turn.

On Monday, Mr. Fitzgerald called Dr. Rollins “a political prostitute” stemmed from the fact the he is now a member of the Free National Movement (FNM) after jumping ship from the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

On the sidelines following the Supreme Court’s ruling of the boundaries report case, Dr. Rollins did not mince any words when speaking to reporters.

Dr. Rollins took the opportunity to lambast Mr. Fitzgerald, saying that he should be the last person to speak on this issue.

“I’ll tell you that Mr. Fitzgerald and notice I never put honorable in front of his name, if there is any of us in that Parliament that is guilty of prostitution it is one Jerome Kennedy Fitzgerald.

“The fact is that he has sold his soul to the devil, he has sold his soul on the altar of political and financial greed,” Dr. Rollins said.

Dr. Rollins went on to further to attack Mr. Fitzgerald’s character saying he has failed his constituents.

“Mr. Fitzgerald is not the kind of man or politician we need in our House of Assembly and the people of Marathon know it.

“That big nose you see Fitzgerald has, those bumps on that nose are not acne bumps, those are devil’s horns coming out of that big nose of his, he will do anything to try and survive politically in this country,” Dr. Rollins said.

The pair has had several spats in the past, including several volatile confrontations in the House of Assembly, notably an exchange made between the pair after Dr. Rollins criticized the education minister for the lack of computers in schools, specifically in his constituency.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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