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Mitchell Blasts DNA Candidate On Community Centre

After allegations by Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Fox Hill Candidate Kendal Smith that Fox Hill Member of Parliament (MP) Fred Mitchell accepted a two million dollar cheque from the Chinese to complete the Fox Hill Community Centre, Mr. Mitchell yesterday lamented the accusation as false.


The allegation made the rounds on social media, suggesting that Mr. Mitchell made promises in exchange for the funds which compromised his patriotism.


“This is a contemptible lie, falsehood and is libelous and defamatory for which the appropriate action will be taken,” Mr. Mitchell said.


The Fox Hill MP said this is not the first time he has cautioned the DNA candidate to refrain from perpetuating such “stories”.


“I have warned this man before that in his desperation to win, he does not have to tell falsehoods and make up stories,” he said.


“His allegations are also racist. The plain and simple story is that this centre is built by contributions from ordinary Fox Hillians, public private partnerships with Bahamian businesses and The Bahamas Government,” added Mr. Mitchell.


In a press release Mr. Mitchell alluded to a previous statement in which he accounted for the funding of the Fox Hill Community Centre.


In that statement he noted that the Former Housing Minister and Fox Hill MP the Late George Mackey acquired the land and conveyed it to the Fox Hill Development Association which was subsequently renamed the Fox Hill Community Centre.


He further stated that the corporation possesses a license from the Ministry of Finance to operate as a non-profit entity.


“There is a Board of Directors on which sits a representative from every church in this village who wishes to sit.  It is chaired by three people Benjamin Rahming, Bishop Carrington Pinder and Maurice Tynes,” the statement read.


“The Board includes representatives of the Original Congoes Junkanoo Group and the Fox Hill Festival Committee.  These two organizations will have offices in this building. Mr. Mackey’s Committee which included Clarence Ferguson and Barbara Pierre managed to build a foundation on the land, but sadly when Mr. Mackey demitted office in 1997, there was no further action taken until 2002. I came to office in that year and when looking at the land and foundation, the experts told us we had to destroy it and start afresh.


Mr. Mitchell noted that while in office his team involving “Foxhillians” began the rebuilding process bringing the structure to at least the first floor.


However, he explained that work on the centre had almost come to a halt between 2007 and 2012 during the party’s time out of office.
Mr. Mitchell additionally explained that the project involved international assistance.


“The Minister of National Security and his able aide Barbara Cartwright told us that the Inter-American Development Bank had provided a loan as part of the Citizen Security Initiative as a long term solution to crime issues.  With their generous grant administered through the loan from the IDB, we were able to complete the super structure,” Mr. Mitchell’s statement read.


“The IDB monies will also be responsible for the management of the building and its programmes,” he noted.


“The final piece of the puzzle was with The Bahamas Government, led by Prime Minister Perry Christie.   He made a promise when he came to the annual Fox Hill Day celebrations that whatever the shortfall, the government would finish this building,” Mr. Mitchell said.


Written by Jones Bahamas

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