By P.J. Malone
It appears that singer-songwriter Kirkland Bodie (KB) has compromised his professional integrity while pretending that his new songs are about asking much needed questions.
The lyrics to KB’s newest song—despicably attacking a Cabinet Minister—do not ask intelligent questions that will stimulate thinking and bring about a sound discussion. Instead, it is a series of vile suggestions and attacks debasing a Cabinet Minister.
I’m sure everyone can remember the days when Bahamians were entertained with KB’s fun songs about Bahamian culture that rang true in so many ways. Now, he has taken that beloved gift, and prostituted it out to Save The Bays.
If KB was serious about asking questions and getting the answers for the Bahamian people as he has said, he would actually ask the right questions or present sound logical arguments as opposed to the repulsive slew of words and suggestions he is perpetrating as art.
If KB wanted to speak to a truly “righteous” cause, then what about writing songs that speak to keeping our environment clean? What about songs that bring attention to the need to protect our mangroves? What about focusing a spotlight on the impact global warming has had on some of our Family of Islands?
Save The Bays calls itself an environmental group so what about speaking to those environmental issues?
This latest song of KB’s, devoid of any clever creativity or the talent KB has been known for, is clearly an attempt to please or align with his new client or boss, Save The Bays.
These new songs of KB’s are touted as ‘hits’ but lots of views on YouTube does not mean the song is liked. Curious people will listen.
This new release lacks a sense of decency.
In his song, KB refers to the Cabinet Minister as a “garbage man”. However, the lyrics are more representative of garbage than anything else.
This latest song of KB’s appears forced—straining to achieve it’s objective of demeaning a Member of Parliament.
But then again, what can we expect when a song is not from the heart or based on convictions but more of a contrived effort to deliver on a payday.
KB has gone from a fun, ‘laughin’-at-we-self’ vibe and approach to throwing one-sided political punches that reek of the Save The Bays’ positions and exact words of condemnation for anything PLP.
It is very disappointing to see how a once talented, creative entertainer has cheapened himself and degraded himself with these latest attack songs that he puts forth as artistry.
What’s even more disappointing is that Kirkland Bodie is using his powerful platform to suggest that we should not question a foreigner’s attempt to control our democratic nation. That is the ultimate sell out and that is what the Bahamian people should be questioning.
Save The Bays appears to be using a new avenue to get political, and they clearly have no shame in flouting U.S. Treasury regulations. If KB is truly on the payroll of Save The Bays, then Save The Bays, as a 501(c)(3), once again appears to be violating US Treasury regulations by involving itself in politics.
I guess we can continue to expect this since Save The Bays Director and attorney has admitted that they are a political organization.
We have to remember that.
It’s a sad time in The Bahamas to see one of our brightest and best entertainers sully his reputation for Save The Bays, and then turn around and spit out “garbage” as opposed to putting much needed attention on real environmental issues.