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Jailhouse Groom Rearrested

The 35-year-old drug suspect who made headlines earlier this year, not for his alleged crimes, but because he was allowed to get married while in custody, found himself back in court yesterday on more drug charges.

Police said Hospital Lane resident Kendrick Tinker was picked up in connection with an outstanding warrant that subsequently led to his most recent drug arrest, the second this year alone.

Tinker was on Monday afternoon charged with possession of drugs with the intent to supply.

Tinker was initially scheduled to appear in court on July 3 but failed to show up, however, when he was eventually arrested, he was found with 12 grams of marijuana.

He pleaded guilty to that charge and was subsequently fined $500.
The case was adjourned to July 22.

Tinker was initially arrested after allegedly attempting to push more than $50,000 worth of drugs through the country the day before he was set to be married, but was allowed to marry his fiancé while in custody at the Central Police Station on March 8.

Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade spoke out against the wedding calling it “disturbing and embarrassing.”

He added that it was unauthorised and goes against everything the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) stands for.

Four police officers – an assistant superintendent, a corporal and two constables – were placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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