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Grandfather Jailed For Sex Offense

64 year old sentenced

A 64-year-old man was sentenced to 16-years in prison yesterday as punishment for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.

Justice Vera Watkins, who handed the down the sentence, explained that the aggravating factors of the case far outweighed the mitigating ones.

The man committed the acts on a nine-year-old girl first in November 2009 and again in January, 2010 when the girl was then 10-years-old.

During the course of the trial, the girl, now aged 13-years, testified that on both occasions the man made her perform oral sex on him and then he warned her not tell anyone what had happened.

The man was previously convicted and sentenced to eight years imprisonment for unlawful carnal knowledge.

Justice Watkins, in her decision, explained that although the man has not been convicted of any criminal offenses since his 1988 conviction, he was 60-years-old at the time of this latest offense and the victim who was nine-years-old at the time, may suffer from long-term and/or permanent negative effects as a result of her experience.

“The relationship between [the man] and the victim ought to have been on of trust with [the man] in the role of protector,” Justice Watkins wrote.

She further explained that the man appeared to show no remorse for his actions.

“The maximum sentence which this Court can impose on [him] is life imprisonment,” Justice Watkins said. “There is no indication from [him] that he is desirous of reforming his behaviour. He has denied responsibility and has not expressed remorse.

“It is reasonable to expect a change in behaviour from a convict who has served a prison sentence of eight years. It is also reasonable to expect that a man of the age of 60-years would exercise mature judgment and not take advantage of children who are vulnerable. [He] no doubt, has fallen short of this expectation.”

The sentence takes effect from his conviction date of May 30, 2013.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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