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Gov’t Accused Of “Wanton Corruption”

The Chairman Emeritus of the Progressive Liberal Party,  Bradley Roberts says, “ there is a pattern of behavior of wanton corruption by the Minnis  government that is unprecedented.”

Mr. Roberts in a  statement yesterday  said, “ this arrogant Free National Movement government remains unapologetic as it descends this country to the status of a Banana Republic,”

He said, “This is the same  Dr. Hubert Minnis who saw his way to march on Parliament and the Ministry of Agriculture against Alfred Gray when an allegation of political interference was made against Minister Gray by a third party. Minnis repeatedly called for his resignation or termination. For his part and to his credit, then Prime Minister Christie removed the Local Government portfolio from Mr. Gray and had the matter turned over to the police.

“In stark contrast, Prime Minister Minnis behaves like a maximum leader, a dictator and a despot with no regard for and I dare say with utter disdain for the prevalence of the rule of law, established guidelines, policies and conventions. Dr. Minnis does so with impunity as he points the corruption finger at others.”

Mr. Roberts who is a former Minister of Works in the first Christie administration  said, “on the issue of pattern of behavior, I point out again that National Security Minister Marvin Dames condemned himself under oath when he admitted to witness tampering and political interference in a criminal case. Works Minister Bannister admitted to political interference and undermining the BPL Board but the Prime Minister in each case has failed to act. The PM announced an investigation but Minister Bannister remains in place to influence the outcome of the investigation, possibly compromising its independence and integrity. The optics are terrible,” he said.

The  former Cabinet Minister  noted, “ the  Prime Minister (Dr. Minnis)  spent $30 million toward the purchase of an asset without Parliamentary debate and approval. Communications placed in the public domain indicated the purchase of the Grand Lucayan was effective on the 11thSeptember 2018. Any debate is moot at this point as the purchase was illegal but without consequences.

“His internal committee on the infamous and fraudulent Oban debacle concluded that the Minnis government broke the law but without consequences,” he said.

Mr. Roberts  again reminds  the Bahamian people of the FNM inspired the seven principles of public life  in  their 2017 Manifesto. All of these principles have been violated in just sixteen months, especially the principles of openness and transparency in awarding government contracts.

“No lie lasts forever and the only thing worse than corruption is the appearance of integrity through slick PR and media manipulation. Dr. Minnis cannot remain quiet forever. He can run but he cannot hide from the accountability of the Bahamian people. Surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, his and his government’s day of reckoning is coming,” said Mr. Roberts.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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