A familiar face returns to the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC).
The company’s former CEO Leon Williams has been appointed a special adviser to BTC Chairman and Chief Executive of Cable and Wireless Communications (C&WC) Phil Bentley.
As special adviser, Mr. Williams will advise Mr. Bentley on local affairs and telecommunications issues in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean region.
Mr. Bentley said he is delighted that “Leon” has agreed to take this role.
“As a former CEO of this business and a former chairman of the industry body, CANTO, he has extensive experience and knowledge of BTC and Bahamian government policy with regard to communications, as well as a detailed insight into the wider telecoms market in the Caribbean,” Mr. Bentley said in a press release yesterday.
Equally delighted to accept the offer to help with BTC, Mr. Williams said he is looking forward to working with “Phil, the board and CEO Geoff Houston to ensure BTC continues to serve the needs of the Bahamian public.”
Mr. Williams was given the boot from the company back in 2008.
He fired back with legal action.
Mr. Williams and BTC reached an agreement on the issue three years later in 2011.
Most recently, Mr. Williams has served as a member of the government’s negotiating committee in BTC’s two per cent take back.