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FNM Says PM Facts are Slippery

The Free National Movement yesterday said that Prime Minister Perry Christie’s latest comments lambasting Opposition Leader, Dr. Hubert Minnis is to deflect attention away from the “abysmal record of his government”.

In a press statement yesterday, the FNM said Mr. Christie has shown “he is not above twisting and turning the facts to generate headlines and malign others.”

The prime minister recently called Dr. Minnis a hypocrite for failing to push the yes vote after the opposition supported the gender equality bills in parliament.

“The true fact is that Dr. Minnis has always believed that the upcoming referendum was an opportunity for the people of The Bahamas to weigh in on their future. He and the FNM trust the people – when empowered with the facts and armed with the ability to educate themselves they will decide what’s best for our country,” said the FNM.

“The Prime Minister fears this approach – trusting and empowering the people – because it is his Government that has taken corruption to a stunning new level. A level where government contracts are lavished on friends, families, and allies, and transparency and accountability are things to be feared and pushed aside,” the statement continued.

The FNM further stated that the government is cajoling Bahamians by using enticements to influence their votes.

In contrast, the FNM said Dr. Minnis would and has called out the truth, which resulted in the Prime Minister and his “minions attacking the FNM leader like rapid dogs.”

The FNM labelled the current administration as hypocritical.

“The facts remain – and unfortunately for the Prime Minister, they are stubborn – because he was the one in 2002 that cast a yes vote in Parliament for the referendum then turned tail and campaigned against it. That is the sign of true hypocrisy. But sadly this is what we’ve come to expect from this Prime Minister – saying one thing, then doing another. It is his political legacy, one forged over several decades in political office always looking to seize more power – willing to say and do anything in order to do so,” said the FNM.

The opposition added that Dr. Minnis is a leader of principles in which he seeks to empower Bahamians; but in contrast, the prime minister the organisation said, is apprehensive when it come to giving Bahamians such empowerment.

“His bizarre attack comes as no surprise, but truth be told, the fact is the people have grown tired of the Prime Minister’s little routine,” the FNM said.



Written by Jones Bahamas

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