Convicted pedophile Kofhe Goodman was sentenced to death by Justice Bernard Turner yesterday afternoon for the murder of 11-year-old Marco Archer after the judge determined that the crime could be considered as the “worst of the worst.”
Archer went missing on September 23rd after he left home in search of candy at a nearby store.
His partly decomposed body was found days later miles away from his home in the backyard of his killer.
Goodman was convicted of the murder last August.
In the courtroom yesterday, Goodman showed no emotion when Justice Turner sentenced him to death until a few seconds later when he began smiling.
Marco’s mother, Tryphemia Meadows, told reporters outside the courtroom that she and her family are happy that Goodman was sentenced to death and can no longer “hurt any more little boys.”
The justice said that compared to other murder cases this can be considered among the worst of the worst because an 11-year-old child met his death by some combination of a blow to his head, which caused a fracture to one of the hardest bones in his still developing skull and had a plastic bag placed over his head.
Justice Turner said the evidence established that Archer was kidnapped.
He added that in making his decision, he also had to take into consideration that at some point, Marco would have had his clothes removed and left naked until his body was found partially concealed in a suitcase in Goodman’s backyard.
To be fair, the justice also had to consider Goodman’s psychiatric report which shows that Goodman was not remorseful and neither did he show any potential for rehabilitation.
“I have looked at these matters and I am satisfied on the available information and I’m sure that there is no reasonable prospect for the reform of this offender,” he said.
“Over a period of many years now he has displayed predatory behaviour towards young boys. That behaviour has escalated from sexual assault to attempted murder and now to murder in the circumstances as indicated.”
Goodman was released from prison after serving an 18-year-sentence for the attempted murder of another boy just a year before he killed Marco.
The killer’s attorney Geoffrey Farquharson said he plans to appeal the decision forthwith as his client is very distraught over the outcome of both the trial and his sentencing.
“Goodman is very upset,” he said.
“He knows he didn’t commit this offense and he knows that things are being said about him and what has happened in this case that are completely false. Mr. Goodman is no saint. But the system of justice wasn’t made for saints. It is in dealing with people who are not saints that tells us whether we have a sound justice system or not. The evidence did not exist in this case.”
Lead Prosecutor Garvin Gaskin said despite the minor hiccups here and there, he’s pleased with the outcome.
“We believe it was an absolutely just verdict,” he said.
“It’s unfortunate that it can’t bring Marco back, but at least it’s a step towards some closure for the family in particular.”
For now Goodman will have his current remand status maintained at Her Majesty’s Prison because of health reasons until Justice Turner makes a decision on what happens next.
Mr. Farquharson will appear in court on November 26th because of his behaviour during the trial.