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Another Bloody 9/11

Today we reference yesterday’s expected remembrance services which took place in the United States to mark the eleventh anniversary of that day in September 11, 2001 when enemies of the Union killed 3000 innocent men and women in New York. Not only do we take note of that event; but also of events that were […]

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The Bahama Journal Celebrates

Today we celebrate The Bahama Journal’s twenty fifth anniversary. We also remember and give thanks for the yeoman’s work given Wendall Jones in this effort by Lionel Dorsett [deceased] and Mike Smith. These men were friends and comrades in a time when – quite frankly – we did not know if such a day like […]

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Structural Violence Matters

Poverty is on the march and this phenomenon is nothing more and nothing less than a type of social death on the installment plan where day by dreadful day more and more of our people find themselves reduced, diminished and humiliated. It is perhaps this factor – among others such – that might explain some […]

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Tragedy in Slow Motion

As morning light rose this morning, it did so to the sounds and chatter of children and their parents as they did what they had to do before this brand-new school year. This first day of school is set to be that kind of day when some parents lament the traffic jams and all those […]

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The Common Good Matters

Today’s Bahamas is fast becoming an exemplar of what can happen to a people when they fail to put adequate resources into making adequate provision for the production of goods and services dedicated to the achievement of the common good. More to the point, the ‘common good’ – as we understand the term – refers […]

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Gold, Cash and Human Bloodshed

We believe that no license should be given to anyone who wants to trade cash for gold; cash for silver or cash for copper; or cash for any other precious metal. All such sales should be banned. There are times in life when those who would rip others off do their thing in plain sight […]

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The Road Works Boondoggle?

If you broke it; you bought it. This pithy saying that is often attributed to General Colin Powell today illuminates how it now arises that the current administration now owes the Bahamian people a heads-up on what is really happening with the New Providence Road Improvement Project. More specifically, these people want to know how […]

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This Nation’s Hidden Curriculum

We cry shame on a situation where police have to be deployed on public school campuses. We insist: – this nation’s schools could and should be healthy places where violence and its threat should have no place. To the point then:- No child with a history of violence and deviance should be mixed in with […]

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Crime – This Two-Faced Scourge

Today’s blunt conclusion is this: crime on the streets is conjoined with crime in our nation’s streets. Both must be rooted out of this nation’s social fabric. Today – with this conclusion in mind – we say that we hear and see some of what the Minister of National Security, the Hon. Dr. Bernard J. […]

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As Gangs Infest Prison

Something is going on in Her Majesty’s Prison in Fox Hill. And ‘that something’ does not have a good smell. Whatever it is – it comes with stench attached. We have heard enough and been told enough to believe that the public should have a full, frank and totally truthful accounting of what is going […]

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