Archive | Editorials

A Nest of Contradictions

Things are tough not only for the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, but also for most so-called ‘ordinary’ Bahamians. This is surely part and parcel of developments in the past five years that have struck the Bahamian people so very hard. Indeed, we now reel not only at the hammer blows inflicted by […]

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Courting Peril and Chaos

Sadly, there are any number of aspiring politicians –men and women alike – who would [if they could] become law-makers. ‘Sad’ is the word precisely because so very many of these people know next to nothing about government; little about their country’s social history – and precious little about this nation’s Constitution. We have come […]

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Upgrade And Reform BEC

There is no doubting that things as they regard power generation and the sale of electricity in The Bahamas is in need of wide-spread reform. In addition, there is absolutely no doubting the fact that the status quo is simply intolerable. The Bahamian people are crying and begging for relief. We therefore call on the […]

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A Nation in Denial

That these are hard times; that business as usual just would not do and that the Government of The Bahamas is cash-strapped should – when taken together – alert Bahamians to the looming reality that some who should be up and doing are mired in denial. Indeed, such is this state of things that practically […]

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Paying the Price

As far as seniority is concerned and as far as good sense is needed, there is today no doubting the conclusion which shouts and screams for those who now govern to do so as if they have the wisdom to lead; that they can pluck up the courage to make the hard decisions and know […]

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God Bless America

As the American people so proudly say in the preamble of their Constitution:- “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” The American people in all their vaunted […]

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Ominous Signs of The Times

We suspect that there are people out there whether in the middle classes, the serried ranks of the so-called working poor or for that matter, among people living and working in so-called ‘Haitian’ villages, who are battling their way through these hard times. There are all those other people who cling to the now worn-out […]

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Tackling a Really Big Issue

For some time now, it has become both chic and cute to say that shanty-towns are a major problem in The Bahamas; that these so-called ‘Haitian’ villages pose a tremendous risk to public health and that with houses having been built too close together, with some homes being powered by stolen electricity connected by low […]

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Capitalism, Conflict and Crisis

We were critical when we thought that some of law enforcement officials might have been derelict in the performance of their duties. And assuredly, we will continue to do so as and when the need arises. As the latest news coming so rudely suggests, crime continues to blaze a bloody path throughout some of this […]

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Towards Peace & Healing

That president Obama has become his troubled land’s Comforter in Chief says as much about his eloquence as it does about those circumstances which occasions the need for his fine words of solace. It is interesting to note some of what he has had to say concerning the violence unleashed in Newtown, Connecticut as he […]

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