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Border Controls Deficient

New information coming in suggests that Bahamian police “…may have arrested the captain of the ‘Glory Time’ – the boat which capsized on route to Florida on a “smuggling expedition…”. The captain is thought to be one of five survivors who swam ashore after the boat broke up in Hawksbill Cay as it headed to […]

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Those Quite Ordinary Bahamians

Like their counterparts around the world, quite ordinary Bahamians go to the polls, vote and therefore sometimes vent their electoral wrath on this or that party or group long gone arrogant. Some of these voters voted as they did for the Progressive Liberal Party because they were sick and tired of being taken for granted […]

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Rescuing At Risk Youth

Reports reaching us tell of situations where mothers routinely turn a blind eye to some of the petty thievery done by both their sons and daughters as they do what they can to help supplement household income. These children are definitely at-risk of morphing into this society’s next generation of thieves, cut-throats and gangsters. There […]

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Greater Self-Reliance Needed

Something dread is happening on this island. That terrifying thing has to do with how some born and bred criminalized-Bahamians have apparently declared war not only each other, but also on any and every one who crosses their paths. Even as these matters surface, there arises that dawning realization that our schools must be failing; […]

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Urban Renewal Highlighted

There have been any number of bloody reports emanating – as it were – from the very heart of a whirlwind of crime that now threatens to undo years of hard-won achievement by so very many of this nation’s hardest working citizens. There are also indicators that suggest the presence of forces and elements that […]

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The People’s Business

With no time to waste on feather-bedding and molly-coddling for any interest [vested or otherwise]; the current Christie-led administration would be well-advised to be up and doing with seeing to it that its law-mandated appointments to this or that agency, Board or Committee are promptly executed. In addition, the current administration would be well-advised to […]

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The Bloody Beat Continues

In a sense, it was – as the saying now goes – déjà vu all over again this week-end past for any number of nurses and other medical personnel at the Princess Margaret Hospital. As in another instance some years ago, these people found themselves in the bloody middle of gunfire and mayhem as one […]

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FNM’s New Team Congratulated

Today the fact remains that they – in their decisive majority- decided in recently held general elections that they were sick and tired of Mr. Ingraham, his style of governance in hard times. And [of course] they rejected him because of the fact that he seemed –in his last days- to be quite out of […]

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A Time for Action

It’s one of those stubborn facts that just will not go away; namely that truth which is summed up in advice to the effect that many hands can [and often do] make a burden light. So today, we now call on the Hon. Dr. Bernard J. Nottage to be up and doing as regards cleaning […]

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Making Good on Promises

We have some good news concerning the new PLP administration: As they promised, so too are they making good on promises recently made in their campaign dash to victory at the polls. This is the conclusion that we have reached after listening in to the Speech from the Throne – as delivered by Governor-General Sir […]

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