The country stands to reap “several hundred million dollars” from hosting its first carnival along with other marketing local festivals next year, according to Culture Minister Dr. Daniel Johnson.
In fact Dr. Johnson said a National Festival Commission has been established to make this happen.
The commission would create a sustainable economic model to boost the country’s entertainment and cultural tourism.
The model would also consist of local festivals such as Junkanoo, Crab Fest, Goombay Festival, Rake and Scrape Festivals and Pineapple Fest among other events which he said need to be marketed to the world.
“We are creating a demand for the creative industry to explode, we did an online survey about what people search for when they’re thinking, arts, entertainment and culture and no one looks for Junkanoo,” he said.
“In the international arena the hits are like 130 – 200 a month so we have this vibrant culture that no one yet has seen. So we’re trying to expand our culture base and the notion of Bahamian culture to everything Bahamian.”
Dr. Johnson added that carnival in The Bahamas would not be like the festivals held in Trinidad but rather a collage of Bahamian culture.
He added that the final touches are being made to the economic model and the National Festival Commission will launch the model this May.
Carnival is expected to be held in May 2015.