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Birbal Verdict Expected Today

Supreme Court Justice Roy Jones is expected to sum up the trial of a former high school teacher accused of having unnatural sex with a male student.

After a week of testimony from four witnesses, the six-woman, three-man jury is expected to deliberate sometime today.

Both sides in the trial of Andre Birbal rested their case yesterday.

Defense attorney Ramona Farquharson-Seyomour told the jury that there is no physical evidence to convict her client.

The attorney pointed to the victim’s testimony where he said the first attack occurred in the seventh grade when Birbal told him to stay back as punishment.

The victim said Birbal took pictures of his mouth and other parts of his body before penetrating him with his finger, which caused him to black out.

However, Birbal’s attorney put it to the jury that based on the criminal investigator’s testimony, after searching Birbal’s home, and laptops, there were no traces of child pornography.

Mrs. Farquharson-Seymour said testimonies of the victim and his mother clearly do not match in various instances.

She even went as far as to point the jury to when the victim said he got checked out by the doctor who found scarring around his anus.

She said there is no witness, nor any sort of evidence to support his claim.

The attorney told the jury that all the prosecution has to stand on is the victim’s words, which based on his behaviour on the witness stand, is very questionable.

At times, during his testimony, the victim got unruly and even broke down in tears.

Lead prosecutor Darnell Taylor told the court during the trial that the defense should not speak about the victim’s behavior, and suggested to the jury that his behavior is expected from a man who was allegedly sexually assaulted from grades seven through 12 then diagnosed with two personalities?

The prosecutor told the jury that they should send a message to Birbal that they will not accept this type of behaviour in The Bahamas.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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