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Family Hauled Before Courts For Gun Possession

A mother and her two sons were hauled before a magistrate Friday afternoon to face charges of gun possession.

On Thursday, March 27, Kim Indiana Iturriaga and her two sons were arrested after officers found two guns and nine rounds of ammunition in their Village Road yard.

According to police, officers showed up during the early morning hours with a search warrant for the older son, Christoph Iturriaga.

After searching the home and finding nothing, officers reportedly searched the dog cage.

Christoph was reportedly ordered to remove the viscous dog so that police could carry out the search, during which they found a .9 millimetre Smith and Western pistol and another black pistol with nine rounds of ammunition.

Christoph was subsequently arrested and taken to the Central Detective Unit (CDU).

According to the prosecutor, while being interviewed, Christoph told investigating officers the guns were for his protection.

However that story changed after speaking with his attorney Edward Turner.

That change of mind resulted in the arrest of his mother and younger brother Juan Cruz Iturriaga, 22, who both live in the house with Christoph.

On Friday as the trio stood before Magistrate Andrew Forbes family members looked on sobbing.

One of them even murmured, “He better plead guilty.”

Christoph did just that while his mother and brother pleaded not guilty.

He then told the magistrate that he accepts full responsibility for the weapons and that his family knew nothing about them.
With that said, the magistrate dismissed the charges against both Kim and Juan Inturriaga and allowed them to return home.

As for Christoph, he was sentenced to four years for the possession of the unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.
According to police, so far for the year they have taken 105 unlicensed firearms off the streets.

They are also appealing to parents that suspect their children may have a gun to contact their nearest police station.

Police say if a search is carried out and a gun is found in a home, everyone that lives in the house will be arrested until someone takes responsibility for the weapon.

    In the case of the Iturriagas, even the viscous dog was taken into police custody until Christoph pleaded guilty.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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