The Valley Boys will remain the victors of the 2013 Boxing Day and the 2014 New Year’s Day junkanoo parades as according to the official 2013/2014 junkanoo results.
After protests by four A-category groups, the official results were released yesterday morning by Parade Management Team Chairman Douglas Hanna.
In the Boxing Day parade, the Valley Boys held on to first position with 93.25 points, the Shell Saxon Superstars took second with 88.07 points, Roots was third with 88.69 points, One Family, fourth with 86.43, Music Makers took fifth with 63.08 and Prodigal Sons took sixth with 54.24.
According to Mr. Hanna, unlike what unofficial results indicated, no group was disqualified.
Shortly after the unofficial results were released, One Family protested the scores, claiming they wrongly received a five-point penalty.
However, Chairman of the Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence (JCNP) Silbert Ferguson said that One Family could have won that protest if their leaders had not publicised their complaints via the media, an infraction of a junkanoo rule.
As it relates to the the New Year’s Day results, the Valley Boys was first again with 89.21 points, One Family was second with 88.86 points, Roots was third with 83.94 points, Saxons came fourth with 83.46, Prodigal Sons was fifth with 70.66 points and Music Makers took sixth with 47.25 points.
Initially, the Shell Saxon Superstars, were initially announced as the second place finishers.
However, according to Mr. Mills there were a few penalties because of “too much cloth” that bumped them down to fourth.
Mr. Mills said the rules in the new judging system recently will stand and cannot be contested.
“The penalty points in the new system are very strategic,” he said.
“What it’s going to do for junkanoo is allow of us to be pinpoint sharp from this point on. The system was put in to build these parades so that they are stronger and so groups don’t have that sort of easy way to go. They’re going to have to pay attention to all details of the parade from this point.”
The recent parades were the first to be used under the new judging system that totals the scores out of 100 instead of the previous 4,000.