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Wilchcome Against Disney Project

Former Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcome does not agree with the government regarding the Lighthouse Point Development to Disney Cruise Line Development. 

Mr. Wilchcome said he doesn’t think due process was put into the decision and that the property should have been given to the One Eleuthera Foundation.

Furthermore, he added that the government was dragged into the discussion rather than lead the discussion.

“The Prime Minister should  have led  the discussion and talk about the values of having a Bahamian group now prepared to do this and that; it can do this now with all the backing that it has. 

“I believe we should have kept that in the patrimony.  I don’t think that we should let that out;  so I was not really supportive of that project for Disney there. 

“I do believe that it should go to the One Eleuthera group and I do believe that it should fit into what the Prime Minister said about Bahamians being more involved in the economy; about owning the economy and about Bahamians having more to say about what happens in their respective areas,” Mr. Wilchcombe  said.   

He added that he would have done it differently, and thinks the government should have worked on creating a plan for the area and not just a project.

“The people of South Eleuthera want opportunities; well let’s create a plan for them. 

“Let’s think about the wonders that they have;  let’s think about the glass window bridge that is  a wonder of the world. Let’s get UNESCO to identify that as such. Let’s take a look at the Blue Hole that they have there as well. 

“In Governor’s Harbour is where the first parliament use to meet. Should we not be creating something more spectacular and then fitting that in? Put a plan there, not just a project,” he said.   

Just two weeks ago the Cabinet   approved the proposal submitted by Disney for Lighthouse Pointe and will begin negotiations on a heads of agreement.

  Disney is proposing to create a cruise port on the site, touting the economic benefits along the way. 

Disney has proposed to do this in an environmentally sensitive way, low density development and sustainable design, public access and the restoration of various historical and cultural sites. 

On the economic end, the company  projects  the creation of about 150 new jobs and array of entrepreneurial opportunities for Eleutherans and Bahamians in general. 

Written by Jones Bahamas

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