Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts has confirmed that the party has ratified Arnold Forbes for Mt. Moriah, Leslie Miller for Tall Pines and Deputy Speaker of the House Dion Smith for Nassau Village to run on the party’s ticket for the 2017 General Elections.
During the national general council monthly meeting, Mr. Roberts commented on the infighting within the Free National Movement.
“Despite Dr. Minnis’ claim in his final address at his convention that the FNM was united, public and closed door infighting in the FNM continues to rage on. The FNM in full public view demonstrated that they were a fractured and bitterly divided party yet they want Bahamians to vote for them to govern The Bahamas. Can you imagine that crew forming the government of the Bahamas,” he said.
“The other very sad and shocking event at the FNM convention was the call made by madman MP Richard Lightbourn for the state to tie the tubes of unwed mothers after having two children. Richard Lightbourn said his recommendation was misinterpreted but we say NOT SO. Lightbourn was a practicing attorney of many years standing and clearly had given much thought to his recommendation as the same was outlined in his address. He is a very dangerous man and must resign and get lost.”
Mr. Roberts said while the bickering was going on, the PLP has been doing what it believes is best for the country.
Your PLP has led the vast majority of the progressive programs in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas for almost one half century and this people empowering campaign continues in earnest in the fulfillment of the policy objectives laid out in our Charter of Governance.
“It is important to note that every successful civilization and sovereign state had at its center, a university that drove culture and intellectual thought that formed the bases of the solutions to many of its national challenges,” he said.
“Through research and development, these universities also drove social and economic development. With the University of The Bahamas playing a prominent role in the execution of our National Development Plan, we are optimistic and confident that its promotion of intellectual independence and propriety will facilitate and spur our continued growth and development.
“Even when the independence of our Parliament comes under threat, it falls to the PLP to vigorously defend its independence and integrity because to a great extent, our system of democracy is based on an independent Parliament where members are free to speak on any number of issues of national import with the protection of privilege. The FNM parliamentarians failed to lift their voice in defense of the Bahamas parliament. This is unthinkable and unbelievable.
Fellow Councilors, notwithstanding the noise in the market and the gloom and doom spewed in the public domain on a daily basis, The Bahamas is in good hands with team PLP as we move with haste to complete our agenda on behalf of the Bahamian people.”