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Wells Urges Support For Minnis

Former PLP and current FNM parliamentarian Renward Wells reminded delegates Friday that all of the internal fighting ultimately will make the party stronger in the end.

With a very biblical tone to his speech, Wells used a scriptural reference to highlight the strength of unity, a central theme for the majority of speakers at this year’s convention.

“Free National Movement after there was a civil war between the House of Saul and the House of David, In Psalm 133 it says how good it is when God’s people live together in unity.

“A place of unity is what the Lord commands of us. Free National Movement I want you all to know that a place of unity doesn’t require falling in love but after the vote you fall in line,” Mr. Wells said.

He also threw slight jabs at his former party, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), saying that the stone that the builder rejects will one day be the cornerstone.

Mr. Wells in his speech also emphasized a fresh outlook like that Free National Movement has that will revitalize the country.

“The FNM’s new vision requires that we unshackle our people from the chains of nepotism and cronyism. We will promote election over meritocracy. The new vision will cause us to put asunder the chains of corruption that often causes the best ideas from the best minds to be shut down. Yes, FNM we will break every chain in this nation,” he said.

Mr. Wells also added that it is generally a part of human nature to have disagreements because no two persons think the same but at the end of the day party members should respect who the majority appoints as leader.

“I don’t believe in the confines of a party that you’re always going to get everyone agreeing on everything. I use this example, in a perfect environment called heaven with a perfect being that never makes mistakes called God. You had one third of the angels who decided they didn’t want him,” he said.

“So in this earthly realm with men who are imperfect, you’re not going to get everyone agreeing on who should lead. But at the end of the day, when the majority decides who should lead, then you as the individual should make up your mind saying I will follow the democratic process, ” Mr. Wells said.

Wells along with Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins defected to the FNM in November of last year.


Written by Jones Bahamas

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