Archive | September, 2012

Bahamas Making More Progress Toward WTO Accession

The Bahamas’ accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will depend partially on its ability to ensure that the country is putting in place the necessary regulatory infrastructure to maintain appropriate protections related to food safety and animal and plant health. Meeting this obligation requires that The Bahamas adhere to the WTO’s Agreement on the […]

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Agriculture Industry Can Do Well Globally, Pinder

The Bahamas’ agricultural sector will be well-placed to compete globally once the country changes the way it currently conducts its agricultural business, Financial Services Minister Ryan Pinder revealed to the Journal Tuesday. Mr. Pinder, who has made the country’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) a top priority, said educating the industry about global […]

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Galanis Picks PLP’s Frontrunners Halkitis “Impressive”

Prime Minister Perry Christie has only been back at the helm for four months, but already some are wondering who will assume the leadership of the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) once he retires from public life and passes the baton. Mr. Christie has touted himself as the bridge to his party’s future; a man […]

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Family Threatens PMH Lawsuit

While Public Hospital (PHA) officials deny that 62-year-old Nathalie Nottage Lundy died after contracting the Acinetobacter Baumannii at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) her three children are claiming otherwise and threatening a lawsuit against the government. Astrid Bodie, Quentin Bethel and Shawn Bethel said they are trying to figure out how a hip surgery led […]

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URCA’s Integrity Questioned

Political activist Rodney Moncur is questioning the integrity of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) and revealed last night that the authority’s chairman Randolph Dorsett acted as the lead attorney on the behalf of Cable Bahamas. His bombshell announcement came during URCA’s public consultation town meeting on Cable Bahamas’ proposal for a 27 per […]

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The Bahama Journal Celebrates

Today we celebrate The Bahama Journal’s twenty fifth anniversary. We also remember and give thanks for the yeoman’s work given Wendall Jones in this effort by Lionel Dorsett [deceased] and Mike Smith. These men were friends and comrades in a time when – quite frankly – we did not know if such a day like […]

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3 Ambassadors Appointed

Veteran broadcaster Ed Bethel, former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Senator Alma Adams and former Ambassador to Haiti, Dr. Eugene Newry have been named the country’s newest ambassadors to London, Cuba and the United Nations (UN) respectively. The new ambassadors, who have all previously held overseas positions, will be responsible for advancing the country’s cause in […]

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CEMEX Denies Employee Killed In Industrial Accident

Freeport-based CEMEX Bahamas yesterday denied police reports that one of its employees was killed in an industrial accident at its plant on Tuesday. An official for the cement manufacturing company, who asked to remain anonymous, told the Bahama Journal yesterday that information reported by the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) in its daily crime report […]

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‘Die’ Stubbs’ Attorney Files Appeal

The attorney for convicted drug offender Stephen ‘Die’ Stubbs has filed an appeal against his client’s four-year prison sentence. Last week, Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethel sentenced Stubbs to four years in prison after convicting him of conspiracy to import and possess dangerous drugs with intent to supply. Attorney Murrio Ducille said an appeal was […]

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Three In Custody For Illegal Landing

By K Quincy Parker Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell has confirmed that three people are in custody in connection with an immigrant laden boat that ran aground in Mangrove Cay last month. The boat was carrying 197 illegal Haitians at the time. Minister Mitchell told The Bahama Journal yesterday that the Department of Immigration has […]

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