An inner city toddler was burned to death yesterday afternoon after his wooden 10-room home went up in flames.
The victim is Jeffrey King Jr. of St. Margaret’s Road, Kemp Road.
Police found his charred remains clinging to the family’s dog, which also died in the fire.
According to fire officials, the blaze took place just after 1:00 p.m.
It took fire-fighters 10 minutes and four trucks to extinguish the blaze, officials said.
When The Bahama Journal arrived on the scene, the fire was mostly extinguished and detectives and fire officials could be combing the scene for clues as scores of neighbours looked on.
Police Superintendent Stephen Dean, who addressed the reporters, said officials did not know how the fire started.
“Firefighters responded and upon arrival here they met a wooden structure engulfed in flames. Information developed that a child might be inside so they continued in a rescue mode. Once the fire was extinguished officers were able to canvas the area, did a thorough search of the area and they found what appeared to be the body of a small child, who was burnt beyond recognition,” he said.
“In addition to our fire troops on the ground, we have detectives from the Central Detective Unit (CDU) assisting with this investigation. It is a very active investigation. We have no conclusion. We are trying to determine why, if a child was left here alone. What is the cause? So we are actively investigating.”
Superintendent Dean also appealed to anyone with information to contact police rather than reporting their information on social media websites.
“Sometimes, rather than coming to the police, they would refer it to the social media like Facebook. This is a very critical time for the family, so we ask you to . . . assist us with this investigation.”
One neighbour, who is a father of six, told reporters how he and others tried to save the victim’s life.
“I saw the fire come from the back and so I ran up on the roof and get the hose. I screamed, ‘Fire start; someone help me.’ I called for everyone to help and only a certain amount of people is around because around here. But everyone tried to help,” he said.
“He was a nice little fella. I would buy him ice cream. He liked me; he knew me well. I loved him, too. I have six kids. I think the mother went to the neighbour just for a minute. I tried, but there was nothing I could’ve done. No one has running water like that. I only could have used bucket water. Right now, the neighbourhood feels so bad because he was a little fella that played with everyone’s kids through the neighbourhood and I watched them play. Now he’s gone the neighbourhood will hurt. I wish I could have done more but I had no power because there is no pump on the hill.”
“I felt that,” the neighbour added. Anyone who has children can feel this. Every day I tell parents if you are leaving your kids, make sure that you are leaving them with someone older who can teach them the right things. You can’t be going out and minding company. Stay home whatever the dance has to play you can play it home. Stay home with your kids. They are important.”