By Keile Campbell
In the wake of the nomination of Chief Passport Officer Kingsley Smith to contest the West Grand Bahama and Bimini constituency for the Progresssive Liberal Party, there has been a call for Cabinet Ministers of the government to participate in a campaign to build on the trust currently being enjoyed by the David administration.
Prime Minister Philip Davis led a group of supporters of his party to Freeport, Grand Bahama on Wednesday evening to participate in a number of activities, one of which was to throw full support behind Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith won the nomination last week in an intense National General Council (NGC) meeting at the PLP’s Headquarters. The NGC ratified Mr. Smith after accepting the candidates committee’s recommendation; he was one of 10 aspirants which included former member of Parliament for Golden Gates Shane Gibson.
The Prime Minister said that Smith was chosen because his government wants to build on the trust that the Bahamian electorate gave the PLP in the 2021 general elections.
Fresh from his ratification, the PLP’s West End and Bimini MP hopeful shared his immediate feelings with members of the media.
“The election is very near, and so we must get on the ground as quickly as possible, we need to mobilize. The other parties are on the ground already working, we have much work to do, and you’ll see in the next few days the party coming together mobilizing and, so to speak, get the victory” Mr. Smith said.
Mr. Smith spoke on some supporters being disappointed that their candidate was not selected.
“It makes me feel no way, that happens. Everybody has their horse in the race, high emotions, high tension, and when they calm down and simmer down understand that the party and what the PLP is all about. We will galvanize, unite, come together for one common goal, alright? And that’s victory,” he said.
As the PLP candidate expected to run for the constituency held by the late PLP cabinet minister Obie Wilchcombe, who passed away unexpectedly September 25th, Mr. Smith spoke of his intent to honor to the life and work of the late Wilchombe.
“Well, like I always say, Obie Wilchcombe’s shoes is one that should not be filled. You know, like when you hang a jersey on the rafter, you put those shoes on the side and then you try to walk in your own shoes. But however, he would’ve started some stuff in the constituency and so we must continue that.
“We’re not gonna let his legacy die. We’re gonna continue on what was left in place and we’ll enhance and make our community much better and economic place to live,” Mr. Smith said.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the political persuasion, the FNM ratified religious leader Ricardo Grant as its candidate to run in the by-election, which must be held by November 25 according to acting Parliamentary Commissioner Arthur Taylor.