Retired Anglican Archbishop Drexel Gomez warned pastors of a new anthropology being used by the LGBT community in an attempt to redefine the meaning of marriage.
He said the homosexual community internationally has produced what is called a whole new way of looking at what it means to be human.
“The human person is the centre of the human community and that basic human rights must be afforded to members of the human community and on the basis of human rights they then say marriage is a human right,” Archbishop Gomez said.
“If marriage is a human right which the courts have now granted in both North America and in Western Europe then they say it must be equal to all human beings and they then abandon the Judeo-Christian position that it must be between a male and female because they say every human person has this right to marry then they say any two persons can contract to marry.”
He explained that local proponents of same-sex marriage have begun using the argument for freedom to make their case for allowing them to marry the person of their choice.
“They pay no regard to the biblical imperative of male and female so that in their arguments they will never use the language of Article 4 because for them biology is in the background – biology is irrelevant,” he said. “In this new anthropology, it is persons – any two persons can contract to marry.”
The Archbishop said this movement has introduced a new concept of marriage which reduces the institution to simply a contract whereas in the Christian faith it is a sacrament between a man and woman and more than just a legal contract between any two people.
Last week, he urged Bahamians to vote yes on all four bills at the upcoming Gender Equality Referendum.
He has dismissed concerns from opponents of Bill Number 4 which seeks to end discrimination on the basis of sex who argue that the bill will lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Archbishop Gomez calls such concerns illogical.
He has also accused some clergymen of creating a state of confusion by suggesting that the bill opens the door to same-sex marriage.
“What I want to say the pastors is that their fear must not be in Number 4. What they should fear is what is going on on the internet; what is going on in the social media where all of these ideas are commonplace,” he said.
“What is going on in the environment in which they send their children to universities overseas – most of the professors have bought into the homosexual agenda. In the dormitories it is being practiced openly . Their young people are being exposed to a culture anywhere in North America and Western Europe – that’s the environment where your young people are going to study and when they come back home they are coming back with different approaches.”
The referendum is set for June 7.