The hottest time of the year has rolled around again, and the humane society has prepared a few tips for the public to help pet owners and their furry friends beat this summer heat.
Inspector Percy Grant, General Manager of The Humane Society explained yesterday, the importance of providing our furry friends with proper sheltering and an ample supply of fresh water during this challenging time.
During the hot summer months, many Bahamians visit beaches and often carry their pets without adequate drinking water. Mr. Grant stresses that just as humans, neither dogs or cats drink sea water. Therefore, Mr. Grant advised pet owners to carry a gallon or two of water with them at all times along with a bowl. The same is advised for persons who carry their pets on jogs or leisure walks.
Mr. Grant mentioned that many persons inhumanely tie or chain their dogs, leaving them to bake in hot summer sun. He said that it if you are to leave your dogs outside, ensure that they are placed in a dog house or on a long leash enabling them to escape the sun and rain.
It is also very important to monitor animals in vehicles at all times to prevent possible heat strokes. Mr. Grant informs the public that if you are going to leave your animals in vehicles, ensure that someone stays with them as it is the safer and best option during these summer months.
Mr. Grant said many animals during this time suffer from heat strokes and he gave this advisory to the public in the event of such an incident.
Pet owners are asked to quickly hose down or submerge their dog in a bucket of water to immediately lower their temperature. Otherwise, the public is advised to pets to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Mr. Grant and the Humane society wish the public and the furry friends the best in this steamy time.