With 32 national parks to manage, BNT had a definite cause for celebration with the recent $35,000 donation from long time supporter Aqua Cat.
Included in the donation was $25,000 directly from Aqua Cat and their clients, with the remainder funds coming in from BNT’s Dive Tag program. Aqua Cat is one of the first supporters of the new Dive Tag Initiative.
Aqua Cat is one of a fleet of live-aboard vessels owned by Bruce Purdy, offering catamaran cruises from Nassau to the islands of the Exumas.
Their weekly visits to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park (ECLSP) have lead to a longstanding relationship with the BNT. Aqua Cat values the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park as a destination for their guests and supports the management of the protected area with an annual donation.
Aqua Cat collects a donation from their guests and matches it to make an annual contribution to the BNT in excess of $20,000. These funds go toward the upkeep of ECLSP, including maintaining the marine and terrestrial habitats located in the national park.
“Our corporate mission here at Aqua Cat is to help preserve and protect the tourism product that we all so heavily rely on in The Bahamas,” said Captain Des Greyling, Aqua Cat Captain, who visited the Retreat to present the donation. “We have a great desire to continue our relationship with the BNT and deepen the partnership by offering our support to the organisation whenever it’s needed.”
In addition to the $25,000 donation, Aqua Cat has included the Dive Tags as part of their package. By purchasing a tag, divers get to show off the fact that they have been diving in The Bahamas by hooking the tags to their dive equipment.
Companies wishing to participate in the programme cover the upfront costs with all sales donated to the Trust. Aqua Cat has made a significant contribution to the programme by purchasing an initial 1,000 dive tags to sell to guests aboard their ships.
“As you all can imagine, managing the national park system in The Bahamas is a demanding job,” said Eric Carey, BNT executive director, as well as being an expensive job. Maintenance of boats, moorings and park buildings is ongoing. In the ECLSP we have to maintain an outpost at Wardrick Wells that has to generate its own electricity and water and our wardens have to function not only as enforcement officers but also as engineers, carpenters and park ambassadors.”
Carey continued, “We want everyone to be able to enjoy the parks for years to come and we need funds to be able to do that. We are extremely grateful for this donation and hope that other companies will want to do the same.”