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Wendy’s Joins Fight Against Human Trafficking

A popular fast food franchise has joined the national campaign against human trafficking, by launching its own awareness campaign to sensitise Bahamians to one of the most vicious and cruel violations of human rights confronting the world today.

Wendy’s Bahamas unveiled its specially designed tray liners on Friday, which will be used in all of its restaurants in New Providence and Grand Bahama to educate the public and create awareness about human trafficking, which is a multi-billion dollar business.

“As unbelievable as it may seem to many of us, I could even add unthinkable, there are people in this world that use force, fraud or deception to recruit, transfer, harbour or receive or simply abduct other human beings for the sole purpose of exploiting them,” said Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage.

“Usually, they lure people away from their own countries to foreign countries in which they are complete strangers with no one to turn to.”

In fact, it is considered modern day slavery.

In 2008, the United Nations estimated that 2.5 million people from 127 countries are victims of the illegal trade.

Of that number, 80 per cent are said to be women and children, many of whom are sexually exploited.

While there have been no reports of this type of activity actually happening here in The Bahamas, Dr. Nottage warned that it does not mean it is not occurring.

“Up to 2011, no person claiming to be a victim of trafficking had come forward in The Bahamas and consequently no trafficker has been prosecuted,” Minister Nottage said.

“We cannot confirm, however, that there are no cases of trafficking in persons in The Bahamas. Indeed, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest otherwise. But this is a complex and well-hidden crime as victims are generally not in a position to speak up for themselves.”

We need to help the public in keeping a spotlight on this issue so that any actual or potential victim or trafficker might be identified and appropriate action taken.”

That is why Minister Nottage said his ministry, in partnership with the National Trafficking in Persons Task Force and the Bahamas Crisis Centre, is committed to doing its part to halt the illegal and inhumane criminal enterprise.

He applauded Wendy’s’ participation and said it is an excellent example of good corporate citizenship and effective government private sector partnership to address matters of critical national concern.

Wendy’s Marketing Manager Yolanda Pawar-Bain said the company was pleased to partner in the fight and assist in keeping the spotlight on the issue.

“We hope to spark the conversation which could ultimately lead to positive action and to help for anyone who might be living amongst us and silently suffering as a victim of trafficking in persons,” Mrs. Pawar-Bain said.

Meantime, Minister Nottage assured that anyone engaged and caught trafficking people will be vigorously prosecuted and if found guilty, jailed.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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