Former Attorney General in the Pindling administration Paul Adderley is very ill in hospital.
Mr. Adderley, who is one of framers of the country’s constitution, was taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) early yesterday morning, where up to press time he was listed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The Bahama Journal spoke briefly with Mr. Adderley’s daughter, Paula Adderley, on Sunday.
“Right now we are coping with the situation,” she said. “We are very private people, so we won’t be releasing a statement.”
Mr. Adderley once represented the St. Michael’s constituency.
He served as acting governor general from December 2005 to February 2006 and is one of the brightest legal minds in the country.
In September 2010, Mr. Adderley appeared in the documentary film, On the Wings of Men, about former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling by Bahamian filmmaker, Calvin Harris.