The National Insurance Board (NIB) and the Union of Public Officers signed an industrial agreement to have enshrined therein vacation and pension plan among other long-term benefits for more than 400 line staff.
The contract was signed at the National Insurance Board’s conference room on Blue Hill Road.
“We are pleased to be gathered here today to execute the new industrial agreement of the National Insurance Board and the Union of Public Officers” said acting Director of NIB, V. Theresa Burrows.
The previous agreement expired May 31, 2014 and the signing culminated months of negotiations between both parties.
“The teams on both sides are to be commended for the cooperative and collegial discussions and proceedings during the negotiations,” Ms. Burrows said.
She congratulated Sharon Martin, who headed the UPO as president and Abraham Butler, Deputy Director of Human Resources, who headed the team from NIB for the work they all contributed to the process.
The new agreement will have direct effect upon registration by the Registrar of Trade Unions and Industrial Agreements, and shall expire December 31, 2018. Terms of the new agreement will be retroactive to June 1, 2014.
“We are delighted to be concluding to this new industrial agreement with the Union of Public Officers and look forward to our continued cooperation and collaboration, as we work together to strengthen NIB for the future,” Ms. Burrows said.