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NEMA receives donations to aid with restoration efforts

Thousands of Bahamians are still in desperate need of assistance with restoring their homes since Category five Hurricane Irma crossed the Southeastern path of The Bahamas.

Meanwhile, recovery efforts are still underway from the devastation of Hurricanes Joaquin and Matthew.

During a press conference yesterday held at National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Captain Stephen Russell, NEMA’s Director indicated that Grand Bahama, New Providence and North Andros have some 4,800 people combined who required assistance.

Although the Atlantic hurricane season has ended, the Bahamas will soon have to commence preparation for the next hurricane season.

Captain Russell said, “the past governments had a practice of rebuilding homes or outsourcing contracts to repair damages to homes, but you can imagine how expensive this is becoming now against three major hurricanes back to back.

“Just to build ten homes that we (NEMA) were trying to wrap up for the past two weeks; ten homes cost up to one million dollars,” Captain Russell informed The Journal.

To aid those southeastern islands still affected by the calamitous hurricanes, charity based organizations Hummingbird Association and Helping Hands Productions are lending a ‘helping hand’.

Patrick Hanlan, Jamaican Honorary Consul, also speaking on behalf of The Hummingbird Association informed The Journal of the long-time relationship between Jamaica and The Bahamas working together to bring relief to each other during times of disasters.

“These disasters or hurricanes, we’re all a part of it.

“The Bahamas and Jamaica always cooperate whenever it comes to disasters. You will recall in 1992, Hurricane Andrew, we had over 160 personnel from the Jamaica public service, the Defence force and we actually rebuildt structures in Eleuthera.

“Whenever we have disasters anywhere, we try to organize and motivate the residents here (The Bahamas) and in Jamaica to help,” Mr. Hanlan shared.

Just under a year old, Helping Hands Productions has also donated monies to NEMA for hurricane relief. President Sharon Purser-Cooper recently started collaborating with Hummingbird Associations and intends to work together in assisting the community any way they both can.

Hummingbird Association donated two thousand dollars and Helping Hands Productions donated five thousand dollars to NEMA.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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