By Keile Campbell
Journal Staff Writer
From Over-the-Hill to Mount Fitzwilliam, the life of Cynthia “Mother” Pratt has been an
inspiration for many as she’s expected to become the next governor general of The Bahamas.
Prime Minister Philip Davis announced recently that Mother Pratt will become the new
governor general next month. He recommended her for the role as “endowed with service” –
particularly the 15-year of dedication, serving the constituents of St. Cecilia.
In an interview with The Bahama Journal, Mother Pratt shared her emotional and spiritual
response upon discovering she would become the next governor general.
“I just want to help to build lives. That has been me all these years. I haven’t changed and I’m
too old to change now. And so, I believe that since I’ve been around in your generation, the
generation prior to you and I’m in this generation, I think I know pretty much the pulse of my
people,” former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt said.
“Some time ago it had been rumored, and I think the fact that, I’ve been around for some time
and I know people, when you, when they start talking about things, they must have heard it
somewhere. But it was a little while ago. And even then, I thought about it and I wanted to
know whether, if it happens, do you think you can make a difference? And I thought of the
many concerns that I faced when I was a member of parliament and so there’s much need,
and so, you have to take it one step at a time.”
Prime Minster Davis, in his communication to Bahamians when he announced the
recommendation of Mother Pratt for the role of governor general, said her appointment will
be accepted as a representation for all Bahamians.
Mother Pratt, who came from humble beginnings, said this new role sent a message to the
next generation.
“I would like to think that it’s a motivator for our young people, particularly the masses, who
are still down there and giving them hope, that they believe that if it happened for Mother
Pratt, it can happen for me. That’s so important, because today, we hardly see people whom
you can” she added.
“So, you’ve been working among your people for some time, you know the pulse of them,
you know the needs, and so I’m able to address those needs. And this was during the time I
was a member of parliament, and so even when I moved on up the ladder, I was able to deal
with the people because I had already knew what to expect and what not to expect.”
Recognized as the first appointed female deputy prime minister as well as the first female
minister of national security during her career as a frontline politician, Mother Pratt sees
herself drawing from those experiences in fulfilling her new role.
“You know, you learn a lot through politics, representing the people for so many years,
because what made it easier for me in a sense is that the people here where I live, is who I
represented. And so there were people who I know most of them, I know their needs, so I can
address those needs, you see, I know what to do, particularly to our young men, and that’s
where my heart really is with our young men. Because if I can reach them, I know that’s half
the problem solved. And so that’s why I believe being a person who deals with people as a
whole,” Mother Pratt said.
Upon having heard officially about her appointment, Mother Pratt said she gave thanks to
God, believing that “He is the one who sets up and He takes down.” She also expressed her
gratefulness and appreciation to the prime minister as well as the Bahamian people.