Good news on the labour front – in terms of candidates’ job readiness, those numbers are doing better.
Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes said tertiary education providers are one of the main factors contributing to the increase.
“I must congratulate some of our tertiary providers like the National Training Agency (NTA) and Bahamas Training and Vocational Institute (BTVI).
“We have several programmes with the Interamerican Development Bank now which are strictly geared to prepare young people for the marketplace,” he said.
The Minister said there are two more programs on the way.
“There’s a citizen security injustice program that is coming along exceptionally well.
“We just completed an interview process for over 200 applicants on the 22nd, and that program is supposed to start on Monday.
“The skills program is in the formulation stage and that is supposed to accommodate up to 5,000 persons over a period of five years,” he added.
The Ministry of Labour has hosted several Labour on the Block Job Fair’s to assist Bahamians in finding employment – the latest, was held at the Bahamas Department of Corrections.