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FNM Calls for DPM’s Resignation

Members of the Free National Movement (FNM) are calling for the resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis, who they claim misled Bahamians into believing that the male dormitory at The Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) was insured.

Calls for the deputy prime minister’s resignation arose after he admitted to the House of Assembly yesterday that the building was never insured.

Mr. Davis acknowledged that his action was error. However, former Minister of Works Neko Grant called for a criminal investigation to be launched into the matter.

“During his contribution to the mid-year budget debate, he emphatically said that the building was insured and the insurance lapsed because the project went beyond the projected date of completion and the contractor failed to pay the renewal premium,” Mr. Grant said.

“He has come here this morning and admitted that the building was never insured. If fraudulent acts have been committed and it would appear that it has, I believe that it requires a police investigation. Secondly since he has misled this house, he should do the honourable thing. This is a sad day in the parliament of The Bahamas.”

The opposition leader who shared similar sentiments called for an investigation into the National Insurance Board (NIB) compliance letters given to contractor, Audley Hanna trading as Paradigm Construction.

He said that this very same company was granted $743,000 in a contract in 2013, but never paid its staff NIB.

“We need to know, how is it that a member who did not pay the NIB premium for its workers, how was it that they could have received their compliance letter?” he asked.

“Our records also reflect that in addition to that he still has not paid NIB for his staff on this project so the compliance letter needs to be investigated because there are some fraudulent activities going on in that department.”

Rising to his own defence, Mr. Davis said his initial comments on BAMSI were based on information he was advised on at the time.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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