Doongalik Studios announces the opening of a collaborative art exhibition on Thursday, May 26 from 6.30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. featuring new works by Elkino Dames and his art students at the L.W. Young High School.
“The inspiration for this show came from the child-like faith that exudes from my students as they created work using water based paints. I wanted to be able to hold a collaborative show to showcase their talents along with mine as my gesture of appreciation to them as they leave the protective walls of school and enter the world of work and maturity,” stated Dames.
“The exhibition is divided into three segments. The first, ‘She is Intuition’ will encompass the body of my new work and is emblematic of female intuition, foresight and wisdom. The Book of Proverbs eloquently states: ‘her worth is more valuable than precious stones.’ We are also aware of the many writers who describe females as oracles and clairvoyants.”
The second segment will showcase the students’ work and is based on the work of Marc Chagall’s ‘American Windows’ (circa 1977) which incorporates design elements of line, shape and colour.
The third segment, ‘We Fly…We Swim’ will encompass more of Dames’ work demonstrating the beauty of nature in creatures that fly and swim.
Dames completed his Bachelor of Education degree in Secondary Art at the College of The Bahamas in 2011, and he has participated in several group art exhibitions over the years. He has been the art teacher and Junior Administrator at L.W. Young since 2008, and has also taught at the RBC Finco Summer Art Workshops for three years.
His last solo exhibition, “The Beauty of Maturity” was held in 2014 at Hillside House.
Dames is hopeful that students will visit the exhibition in order to increase their awareness of the burgeoning interest in the visual arts in The Bahamas.
Gallery owner, Pam Burnside, agreed: “there are so many naturally gifted persons in this country so we are always happy to give them the opportunity to showcase their talent. Creativity and the arts are a positive way to express oneself and make an honest living.
We look forward to welcoming the local and visiting public to the exhibition.”
There will also be a silent auction of a piece of Dames’ work during opening night with proceeds being donated to the annual Art Supply Drive, a fundraising effort which provides art supplies for public school art programmes in Nassau and the Family Islands.
“It’s Growing” will be on display until Wednesday, June 15. Gallery hours are Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
For more information contact the Gallery at 394-1886.