Bahamian market and research company Public Domain yesterday found that 66 per cent of 998 Bahamians believe that adults should be able to use medicinal marijuana.
Public Domain released the results a recently conducted survey which indicated that 62 per cent of the participants also agreed that marijuana has medical benefits.
Thirteen percent said that they somewhat agree, one per cent said that they somewhat disagree and 11 per cent strongly disagreed with the statement.
On the other end of the spectrum, 47 per cent of the participants said that they believe the legalization of medical marijuana will lead to increased recreational use.
The results also listed the reasons why contributors thought that medical marijuana should not be legalized.
Eighteen per cent think that people do not need it will used the drug, 15 per cent say that it’s harmful and destroys lives, and another 15 per cent believes that the drug will be abused.
Fifty-eight per cent of participants say that they obtained their knowledge of medical marijuana in the Internet, while 25 per cent say that they learned from television.
When asked to rank the most harmful or dangerous products, contributors ranked tobacco as number one, alcohol in second place, sugar in third and marijuana in fourth place.